Customer Portal
Our TESTntel portal is the place where you will be able to access your electronic reports and have detailed information about your assets such as their status (pass, fail or expired) and your upcoming retesting schedules.
In this comprehensive asset database, every electrical appliance has an unique QR code asset number which is populated with important information such as description, make, model, serial number, test result, next expiry date and more.
Through our portal, you are also able to have access to your own photographic asset gallery.
The reports are stored in our cloud system, and can be retrieved in three different formats: Excel, PDF, and electronically.

With over 70 Electrical Service Technicians located across the country. We are able to offer our services to you anywhere in the country. We are your local test and tag provider.
Our flexible working hours mean that we can test while you rest. For large corporate sites, or sites that have restricted access we can work night shift, and weekends too.
No job is too small or too little for us.

Our proprietary software is the technology behind our asset management system and is one that is in constant evolution.
We've recently added editing capabilities to our system. Now, when you scan your QR code with your phone you can also report if an item is faulty, disposed, or expired. This information will be automatically updated in our system.
We've built the system with 100% transparency in mind, and all of our work is GPS and time stamped, so you know exactly what our Electrical Service Technicians have done at your site. This is a particularly good feature for jobs that are quoted hourly and charged to the minute.
Try today!
Come to the future with us and take control over your inventory today! Don't delay in contacting us today for a chat on how we can make your site compliant while having control of your database.